_ 流行性感冒
季節外れのインフルエンザでした. どうも夏風邪の酷い奴にもインフルエンザさんが居るらしいですね. おかげで楽しい誕生日でしたよ, ええ全く.
そんな訳で 28 になりました. メール下さったり病床に差し入れ下さった方, ありがとうございました.
やる事山積み. Orz
_ オープンソース
matz 大先生のプレゼン.
We think the Open Source Definition captures what the great majority of the software community originally meant, and still mean, by the term "Open Source". However, the term has become widely used and its meaning has lost some precision. The OSI Certified mark is OSI's way of certifying that the license under which the software is distributed conforms to the OSD the generic term "Open Source" cannot provide that assurance, but we still encourage use of the term "Open Source" to mean conformance to the OSD. For information about the OSI Certified mark, and for a list of licenses that OSI has approved as conforming to the OSD, see the OSD Certification Mark page.---
ほぼメモ状態. φ(._.)