_ gtool5 の OpenMP 非対応?
Fortran diagnostic messages: program name(HistoryGetDouble1) jwd2408i-i "historyget.F90", line 585: Overflow or underflow occurred during calculation of iteration count, or iteration count 0 or negative. Fortran diagnostic messages: program name(HistoryGetReal1) jwd2408i-i "historyget.F90", line 2811: Overflow or underflow occurred during calculation of iteration count, or iteration count 0 or negative. Fortran diagnostic messages: program name(HistoryGetInt1) jwd2408i-i "historyget.F90", line 4983: Overflow or underflow occurred during calculation of iteration count, or iteration count 0 or negative.
_ 明日 10:00 の飛行機で札幌行きます.
目的は惑星科学フロンティアセミナー なのですが, 前日入りします(( いつのまにか, 惑星科学会の SSL, ヲレヲレ証明書になってるな )).